Claude 3.5 Sonnet Image
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Software Engineering
Pricing: Freemium

Anthropic Releases Powerful New AI Model: Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Anthropic announced the launch of Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the first model in their upcoming Claude 3.5 family. This AI surpasses previous models in intelligence, speed, and affordability.

Key features of Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

  • Improved Reasoning and Knowledge: Performs exceptionally in graduate-level reasoning (GPQA) and undergraduate-level knowledge (MMLU) tasks.
  • Exceptional Code Proficiency: Handles complex coding tasks like bug fixing and code translation with ease.
  • Natural Language Generation: Creates high-quality content with a natural and relatable tone.
  • Twice the Speed: Operates at double the speed of Claude 3 Opus, making it ideal for complex tasks.
  • State-of-the-Art Vision: Interprets charts, graphs, and other visuals with superior accuracy.
  • Cost-Effective: Available for free on with limitations, or via paid plans with higher usage limits.

New Feature: Artifacts

Claude 3.5 Sonnet introduces "Artifacts," a feature that allows users to interact with AI-generated content in real-time. This creates a collaborative workspace for integrating AI outputs into projects seamlessly.

Commitment to Safety and Privacy

  • Rigorous Testing: Claude 3.5 Sonnet undergoes rigorous testing to minimize misuse.
  • Expert Evaluation: External experts evaluate safety mechanisms before deployment.
  • User Privacy: Generative models are not trained on user data without explicit permission.

Looking Ahead

Anthropic plans to release additional models in the Claude 3.5 family later this year. They are also developing:

  • New modalities and features for more business use cases
  • Integrations with enterprise applications
  • Memory functionality to personalize user experiences

Get Involved

Anthropic encourages users to submit feedback on Claude 3.5 Sonnet to help shape future development and improve user experience.

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