The Moravec's paradox in Robotics and AI
AI Education
The Moravec's paradox in Robotics and AI
May 13, 2024

Moravec's Paradox is a concept in artificial intelligence and robotics that highlights a counterintuitive aspect of AI development: tasks that are simple for humans are often extremely difficult for machines, and vice versa.

This paradox was first articulated by Hans Moravec and other AI researchers in the 1980s and has since been a fundamental observation in the field of AI and robotics

Understanding Moravec Paradox

Image of Hans Moravec in his lab - Aifyles

Image Source: Why is AI advancing so rapidly in language & art?

Moravec's Paradox states that high-level reasoning tasks, which are challenging for humans, require relatively little computational power for computers.

Conversely, low-level sensorimotor skills that are intuitive for humans—like recognizing a face, navigating a room, or handling objects—require enormous computational resources when programmed in robots

Evolutionary Perspective

One explanation for this paradox is evolutionary. The skills that are most challenging for AI are those that humans and ancestors have honed over millions of years. These sensorimotor skills are deeply embedded in our biological setup and are largely unconscious.

In contrast, abilities like abstract thought and logical reasoning are relatively recent developments in the evolutionary timeline, making them easier to program into machines because they are not as deeply ingrained in our neural architecture

Examples and Implications

Humans vs Computers moravec paradox - Aifyles

Image Source: Moravec's Paradox Comes From The Availability Heuristic

For instance, it is comparatively straightforward for AI to excel at chess or solve complex mathematical problems—tasks that require high levels of cognitive effort from humans. However, teaching a robot to perform seemingly simple tasks, such as walking up stairs without tripping, proves to be a significant challenge.

This discrepancy arises because, while the rules of chess are clear and confined, walking involves real-time processing of a multitude of unpredictable environmental variables, something human brains are exceptionally well-adapted to handle through evolutionary optimization.

Challenges in Robotics

The paradox has profound implications for robotics, where physical interaction with the world is necessary. Despite advances in technology, robots still struggle with tasks that require fine motor skills and adaptive behavior, which are effortless for even very young children.

AI Advancements

  • In the realm of narrow AI, which focuses on specific tasks, there have been significant advancements.
  • AI can now outperform humans in specific domains like game playing or data analysis.
  • However, achieving a broad, adaptable intelligence that can learn and perform a wide range of everyday activities remains elusive.

Future Directions

The ongoing challenge is to develop AI that can mimic the ease with which humans perform basic sensorimotor tasks. This involves not only advancements in hardware and algorithms but also a deeper understanding of human brain functions and learning mechanisms.

The integration of AI with insights from neuroscience could potentially lead to breakthroughs in creating more versatile and capable robotic systems.

In conclusion, Moravec's Paradox serves as a reminder of the unique complexities of human cognition and the limits of current AI. It underscores the importance of interdisciplinary research in overcoming these challenges and advancing the field of artificial intelligence.


  • What is Moravec's Paradox?
    Moravec's Paradox refers to the counterintuitive observation in artificial intelligence and robotics where tasks that are simple for humans are often very difficult for machines, and vice versa.
  • Why do high-level reasoning tasks seem easier for computers?
    High-level reasoning tasks, challenging for humans, require relatively little computational power for computers due to their algorithmic nature and clear rules.
  • What is the evolutionary perspective on Moravec's Paradox?
    The paradox is explained through evolution: skills that are challenging for AI are those deeply ingrained in human biology through millions of years of evolution, whereas skills like abstract thought are recent developments, making them easier to program.
  • What are some examples of Moravec's Paradox and its implications?
    Examples include AI excelling at tasks like chess but struggling with simple physical tasks like walking upstairs. This highlights the challenge of programming sensorimotor skills that humans perform effortlessly.
  • What are the challenges and advancements in AI related to Moravec's Paradox?
    While narrow AI has seen significant progress, achieving broad, adaptable intelligence remains elusive. Developing AI that mimics human ease with basic sensorimotor tasks requires advancements in hardware, algorithms, and insights from neuroscience.


  • [1] Moravec's paradox - Wikipedia (Source)
  • [2] Artificial Intelligence: getting around Moravec’s paradox? (Source)
  • [3] What Is Moravec’s Paradox? (Source)
  • [4] Moravec's Paradox Comes From The Availability Heuristic (Source)
Last updated on May 13, 2024